Friday, January 6, 2012

Giant Sunflower (2008)

     Some time ago, while digging in the vegetable garden,

I came across a weed with interesting leaves.  I very nearly yanked it out of the ground;

I thought a moment and decided to let this one go for a while and see what it might be.

Almost over night it grew into a giant with golden hair.  Taller than me, I had to look

into the sun to see it’s face.  It was a magnificent thing, and I had nearly tossed it aside.

      Sometimes new things come into our lives.  Often we don’t even notice; we’re too busy

with our lives to take on anything new.  We need to stop now and then and take a breath,

step outside ourselves for a moment and just look around, see things and give the world a

to show itself to us.


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